Captures between archives: marginalization of records with parochial book research


  • Diego Radic


Parochial books have recently become records of great importance for the study of colonial society, especially regarding the role of subordinate subjects and families in the development of their own history. Considering this panorama, the marginal condition attributed to a dissimilar set of annotations during a historical investigation is examined. This article analyzes the parochial books of the Parroquia de la Plaza de Valdivia, specifically, their sacraments records written between the years of 1770 and 1830. Problematizing one of these records, where the name of a cacique is followed by the reference to an “alias”, an explanation of this inscription is proposed as the spectral mark of a nominal register of political alliances established through the institution of laku. The objective is to present a reading of the parochial books that considers in its analysis the heterogeneous nature of their annotations, as well as to propose the study of these records with a lens that emphasizes the colonial phenomenon as an overlap and capture between different archives.


parochial books, mapuche archive, laku