Capitalism in the desert: materials, spaces and movement


  • Héctor Morales
  • Nicolas Richard
  • Alejandro Garcés


This dossier brings together twelve papers presented at the seminar “Capitalism in the desert: materialities, population and territories”, held in San Pedro de Atacama in November 2017 within the framework of the Laboratoire International Associé MINES ATACAMA "Les Systèmes Miniers dans le Désert d’Atacama" with the support of Universidad de Chile, Universidad Católica del Norte and Centre de Recherche et Documentation des Amériques CREDA UMR7227 (CNRS, France). The dossier gathers multidisciplinary approaches stemming from history, anthropology, geography and archaeology around the common object "capitalism in the desert", from the perspective of materialities (techniques, material remains, landscapes), spaces (environmental, political, economic) and movement (people, things). The aim is to go beyond the historical-economic perspective centred on a linear understanding of the mining industry, presenting instead the plurality of actors and forms, times, connections and overlaps that organize the Atacama Desert’s transit to capitalism.


mining, atacama, desert, capitalism, social, subjects, cross-border, flows