From a political and epistemological point of view and a decolonial feminism, I propose an effort to unravel the obstructive aspects of the information society, theorized by Manuel Castells, for the political autonomy of women, fundamentally, around the world of Latin American work In the global era of capitalism. Informational capitalism has reconfigured the time-space relationship and, along with it, has generated a new social and sexual division of labor, resignifying limits between the sphere of domestic time and the dimension of time destined for the labor market.
I understand that an analysis from the decolonial gender perspective of the current process of globalization / globalization of capital is inescapable in order to elaborate a regional and global political and theoretical agenda of feminism from Latin America.
Labor, information society, gender, located knowledge, Latin America
Sosa, R. (2019). Critical contributions of feminism to the world of work in the Informational Society theorized by Manuel Castells. Revista Punto Género, (10), pp 132–150.