Buena Fe y Derecho del Trabajo


  • María Cristina Gajardo Harboe Universidad de Chile


In this paper the author goes on application and conciliation of the principie of good faith with the labor standards. Thus, lt seeks to demonsrrate the effectiveness of this general principie of law and the consistency that would have with labor protective rules, a controversia! issue for a certain sector of the labor doctrine, particularly with those who conform the labor public order and, consequently, cannot be waived by the parties. Also, lt emphasizes the update that, in turn, intioduces this principie to the ethical-legal content of the labor relation


Good faith, Labor Law, labor contract, ethical-legal content

Author Biography

María Cristina Gajardo Harboe, Universidad de Chile

Profesora asistente y directora del Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo, Universidad de Chile