The concept of law of H.L.A. hart and the compensation for moral damage in Chile


  • María Cristina Gajardo Harboe


In the first part of the paper we will summarize the principal aspects of the Hart´s theory of the juridical system that proposes in his classic work "The Concept of Law", across the concepts of internal and external aspect of the rules, of primary and secondary rules, of the rules of recognition, of change and of adjudication, the technologies of discretion and the adequacy of the variable standard, the relation between the right and the morality. In the second part of this work, we will explain the system of determination of the quantum of the compensation for moral damage in Chile, to conclude in the third part and end that does not exist a rule of recognition to fix the amounts compensation of the moral damage; one proposes a major effort in the foundation of the judgments on the part of the judges to advance in the creation of the above mentioned rule.


Concept of Law, indemnification, moral damage, determination of the quantum, foundation of the judgment

Author Biography

María Cristina Gajardo Harboe

Abogada, Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Dirección y Planificación Tributaria Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Directora Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social y miembro del Consejo de Facultad. Abogado Integrante de la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago. Ha publicado diversos artículos en revistas especializadas, expositora en la Escuela Sindical de la Facultad, en diversos seminarios, y ha participado en investigaciones en materias de su especialización.