Beliefs and language attitudes: cubans toward chilean spanish


  • Ana María González Mafud Universidad de La Habana
  • Nayara Ortega Someillán Universidad de La Habana
  • Roxana Sobrino Triana Universidad de Bergen


This study applies the methodological approach of the Project to the analysis of beliefs and attitudes towards varieties of Spanish in the 21st century (PRECAVES XXI). It offers a summary of the prevailing research that has been conducted on this topic in Cuba and examines the results, which report on the beliefs and attitudes of Cubans towards the Chilean variety of speech. On the one hand, it highlights the need for continued research by means of an interdisciplinary approach and recognizes the importance of paying greater attention to diasporic Cuban communities. On the other, based on a stratified sample of 108 speakers, it concludes that Cubans register a low degree of proximity towards the Chilean variety, which is demonstrated by their recurring confusion between this variety and that of the Canaries; and they hold, in large measure, the pronunciation of latter variety in lower regard. No significant variations are observed according to the sociolinguistic variables of the study. Further, respondents offered positive evaluations towards Chileans, focused especially on affective characteristics such as friendliness, professionalism, kindness and education.


Language attitudes, Chilean Spanish, PRECAVES XXI Proyect, Cuba

Author Biographies

Ana María González Mafud, Universidad de La Habana

Para correspondencia dirigirse a Ana M. González (

Nayara Ortega Someillán, Universidad de La Habana

Para correspondencia dirigirse a Nayara Ortega (

Roxana Sobrino Triana, Universidad de Bergen

Para correspondencia dirigirse a Roxana Sobrino (


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