This article aims to expose women's use of violence as a tool in their domestic sphere and beyond.Some of the women that live in dangerous neighborhoods and do not have other choice thantransit through those streets, find in violence an useful tool for self-defense, protection andrespect. Based on the preliminary results from an ethnographic research developed in twomarginalized neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, the current text is looking to identify betweendifferent situations and relationships in which women resort to violence. It also seeks to explainthe circumstances that lead them to practice it without questioning their femininity. Theidentified practices are self-defense, defense of the family, neighborhood conflicts resolutions,‘getting even', gaining reputation and the education of their children. Through this practice,women build up an alternative femininity, different from the hegemonic one.
Beltrán Gálvez, M. A. (2012). The other side of the coin: women that practise violence. Revista Punto Género, (2), Pág. 71 – 92.