Suicidio y rigidización del self como forma de expresión de la masculinidad hegemónica. Análisis del héroe nacional Arturo Prat


  • José Lledó Muñoz


There will be a brief overview of the history of Arturo Prat, Chilean sailor and national hero who, defending his country, dies after jumping to the boarding in a contest between the Chilean and Peruvian navies, where there was a clear disadvantage for the Chilean troops. Then the hegemonic masculinity will be linked to a rigid aspect of the self from the humanist current, and both concepts will serve to understand that suicide is a viable option for the figure of the national hero. It will end by reflecting on how hegemonic masculinity reduces the spaces to think on masculinities due to the rigidification of the self.


Hero, suicide, masculinity, sacrifice

Author Biography

José Lledó Muñoz

Psicólogo y licenciado en psicología de la Universidad Diego Portales. Psicodramatista de Centros De estudios Psicodrama Chile. En la actualidad estudia teatro y se desempeña como psicólogo clínico en la esfera privada.