Gender relations in the production of software: the limits of autonomy at work


  • Mariela Quiñones Departamento de Sociología
  • Erika Van Rompaey Departamento de Sociología


This article focuses on the analysis of differential trajectories of women in the economic sector that produces software for reconstructing the Uruguay conceptual cores from which relationships and gender inequalities are analyzed. More specifically, the concept of autonomy which is designed as a central aspect of working in the sector from which the unequal and disadvantageous employment of women is studied with regard to males in the same becomes problematic. Through a strategy of qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews workers-it is in the industry of software production, the experiences and perceptions of women that bypass or decide to deal with both objective and visible barriers, as subjective and invisible linked to analyzes job performance in a strongly masculine domain. The article explains from the specific field of the sociology of work, some dynamics and mechanisms that deepen the reflection on gender issues and inequalities derived therefrom in the workplace from reviewing old concepts by adopting new conceptual perspectives.


autonomy, self-management of labor, gender inequalities, software production