Justice, family and care: Notes on public policies


  • Vinicius Ferreira Baptista Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro, Brasil


This paper analyses gender issues in domestic work and care from theo retical perspectives, contributing to the data and proposals of public policies organized in the last years in Brazil. We discussed the critical contributions of Susan Moller and Christine Delphy and the counterarguments of John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin and Nancy Fraser. We bring to the debate legislative proposals from the Chamber of Representa tives. In conclusion, we consider that the legislative proposals should include care and domestic work in its gender, race and class dimensions, through clear mechanisms that enhance a social perspective of justice and development that add up to subjects of justice and human rights; the same time that affects the potential of individuals.


Gender, family, care, public policy, justice.

Author Biography

Vinicius Ferreira Baptista, Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro, Brasil

Vinicius Ferreira Baptista es doctor en Políticas Públicas por la Universidad Es[1]tatal de Río de Janeiro. Profesor adjunto del Departamento de Administración Pública de la Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro. Profesor de los programas de posgrado en Desarrollo Territorial y Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro y en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Federal del Estado de Río de Janeiro. Su correo electrónico es viniciusferbap@ufrrj.br. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8717-8332