La nulidad del despido y el elemento "gravedad" en la figura sancionatoria del inciso cuarto del artículo 489 del código del trabajo. Una mirada crítica


  • Marcelo Araya Rojas Universidad de Chile


This paper presents a critical examination of the sanction figure regarding the discriminatory dismissal classified as "serious" under the labor protection procedure, contemplated in the fourth subsection of anide 489 of the Labor Code. After answering affirmatively ro the question about the pertinence in law of the nullity as a way to reproach such violating act, we analyze the process of con •secration of such sanction in our labor law, in the legal text (discussing in particular the concurrence of "gravity» as a requirement in its configuration) as in the law (where there is a heightened judicial discretion in the matter, fueled by the very letter of the law). We conclude by making a diagnosis of the status of that figure on the basis of reality judgment.


Nullity of the dismissal, discrimination, gravity, reincorporation

Author Biography

Marcelo Araya Rojas, Universidad de Chile

Abogado. Ayudante del Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile.