Trabajadores migrantes y seguridad social: aproximación nacional e internacional a los mecanismos de protección que otorgan continuidad a las prestaciones. II parte


  • Pablo Arellano Ortíz Universidad Austral de Chile


This paper develops the problem of migration and its relationship with the social security protection of migrant workers. In this way, we try to give an overview of this problem. First,we will develop some conceptual aspects that are considered necessary for the understanding of work, such as migrant workers and coordination. second, we study what are the international standards for the issue in question. This refers to human rights standards relating to the subject and also takes a special analysis of ILO standards and the principles that flow from these. Third, we analyze national regulations. We will study and categorize the various bilateral agreements on the subject and then make a reference to the Latin American multilateral Agreement on social security. This section will provide an evaluation of the national legislation on migration and social security. The paper ends with some conclusions in relation to national and international standards on the protection of social security to be delivered to the migrant worker.


Social security, migrant worker, coordination, bilateral agreements

Author Biography

Pablo Arellano Ortíz, Universidad Austral de Chile

Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo y de Seguridad Social, Universidad Austral de Chile. Doctor en Derecho, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense, France; Master 2 Recherche Droit Social et Droit de la Santé, Université de Paris X Nanterre, France; Master 2 Recherche Droit Social de la Université de Paris II Panthéon Assas, France. Abogado, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.