La garantía o derecho de indemnidad laboral y su relación con la prueba indiciaria; José Francisco Castro Castro


  • José Francisco Castro Castro Universidad Pedro de Valdivia


The present investigation approaches from a theoretical and practical perspective the well-known legal institution like guarantee or right of labor indemnity, which is destined to protect to the worker as opposed to the retaliation of the employer, for which the origin, its foundations and the elements are exposed that conform it. In the conceptual plane, the main existing defi nitions take shelter and the author proposes an own defi nition for our normative system, from the option to consider that she is an indemnity right and not indeed about a guarantee. A deep and special treatment occurs in this work to the existing relation between the right of indemnity and the circumstantial evidence him, particularly from which they have been the sentences of the national courts of justice.


Right of indemnity, guarantee of indemnity, retaliation, circumstantial evidence

Author Biography

José Francisco Castro Castro, Universidad Pedro de Valdivia

Abogado de la Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Derecho de la Empresa de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Profesor de Derecho Laboral de la Universidad Pedro de Valdivia. Alumno del Programa de Doctorado en Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso y Beneficiario Beca Postgrado PUCV.