A “Espiritual” national socialism?


  • Marcos García de la Huerta Universidad de Chile


Thesis 1 In the rectoral writings, central ideas of analytics reappear, with another language and in another semantic space. The resolved Dasein, identified with the «destiny of the people», represents the transition from the «proper» existence to an improper policy. Thesis 2. The idea of being in the world replaces the suspended world of phenomenology and posits it as constitutive of human reality; at the same time, it rest validity to the common world, so that it preserves the suspension of a primary dimension of existence: that of being with others in a shared space. Thesis 3. The suspension / invalidation of politics, and its replacement by the “historicity of history” represents a kind of sublimated politics, that is, a derivative of the phenomenological method of idealities. The «great foolishness» (grosse Dummheit) would be the attempt to give content to the idea of «historicity»; and the “spiritual leadership” (geistige Führerschaft), the Heideggerian version of the Platonic government of the philosophers. Thesis 4. In its «inner truth», National Socialism is the beginning of a «new beginning», the promise of a counter movement of decadence; it requires traversing “the zero meridian of total nihilism”, preparatory to the advent of a post-Christian technical world.


historicity, event, spiritual leadership, nihilism, politics

Author Biography

Marcos García de la Huerta, Universidad de Chile

Universidad de Chile


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