This article offers a wide view of the Yugoslavian access to Chile, while tracing its causes and establishing the patterns which permit us to appreciate the significant contribution of their descendants to the progress of our country. The author maintains that the Yugoslav element has effectively assimilated the idiosyncracy and institutionality of the country of adoption without cutting
links with the cultural heritage they brought from Europe.
Biografía del autor/a
Andres Rajevic, Universidad de Chile
Ex profesor del Centro de Estudios Eslavos de la Facultad de Filosofía
y Educación de la Universidad de Chile. Se ha dedicado preferentemente a la Lingüística Eslava. Es autor del libro Curso básico de idioma croata-servio para hispano-hablantes
Rajevic, A. (2015). Presencia Yugoslava en Chile. Revista Chilena De Humanidades, (4). Recuperado a partir de