Resistant puneños worlds: rituality in the re-ethnization processes of Laguna Blanca (Belén, Catamarca)


  • Daniel D. Delfino Universidad Nacional de Catamarca


The article proposes an invitation to explore the relationship between ritual contexts, understood as devices of intensification aimed at community consolidation, and processes of re-ethnization. These rituals can reduce uncertainty about the future, reinforcing the senses of belonging by activating the bonds of social cohesion, especially at times when the (re)imagined community is consolidating or faced with threatening situations that may provoke its disintegration. In the half-breed scenario of the Laguna Blanca region (Department Belen, Catamarca) accelerated processes of re-ethnization and community reconfiguration are going on that activate resistance strategies in a dialectic that combines political learning with the active enthronement of a ceremonial calendar.


puna, miscegenation, resistance, ritual reconstruction, community revitalization