Rock art and spaces of memory: the depictions of confluencia site (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina)


  • Alvaro Martel Instituto de Arqueología y Museo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán e Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales, CONICET/UNT. San Martín 1545, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán
  • Silvina Rodríguez Curletto Instituto de Arqueología y Museo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán e Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales, CONICET/UNT. San Martín 1545, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán
  • Ezequiel del Bel Instituto de Arqueología y Museo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. San Martín 1545, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán


Our work addresses the continuity of rock art production as one of the many mechanisms that allowed the construction of social memory of the Puna communities over a long term process. With this purpose, we analyze the sequence of rock art production of Confl uencia site, Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina. This sequence, representing different periods of local and regional archeology (from ca. 5500 BP to the Spanish-Native contact period) was carried out using a deconstructive approach in a way that allowed us to identify the modes in which the depictions were articulated through the time, and ended up shaping the final rock art assemblage. Finally, we could say that the continuity expressed in the successive rock art productions shows the way that different social agents get related with the otherness that the preexistent depictions propose, by including the previous into the new discourse or by excluding it.    


rock art, memory, social processes, Puna of Catamarca