Characterization of the Geometrical Tricolor style and it’s relationships with the Ychsma style


  • Camilo Dolorier
  • Lyda Casas Salazar


The present study examines and discusses to the antecedents and initial characterization of the denominated style Geometric Tricolor.  This style comprised of the stylistic set Huaura that was distributed mainly in the Andean nor-central coast, between valleys  of Huaura - Chancay and Ancón. Th e components are examined and their contents are reevaluating, generating a category of feasible analysis of comparison. With well defi ned parameters and, it is come to resist the style with the found analogous materials in the valley of the Rímac, explicitly in the funeral contexts of the Huaca Huallamarca. Finely, it is tried to evaluate the impact of Geometric Tricolor in the formation or origin of the Ychsma style.

Key Words: Geometric Tricolor, Ychsma, Chancay, Huallamarca.

Author Biographies

Camilo Dolorier

Museo de Sitio Huallamarca, Lima.

Lyda Casas Salazar

Museo de Sitio Huallamarca, Lima.