
Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47. 

Ways of looking at architectural sustainability + FREE THEME


Deadline for receipt of articles:  September 10, 2024

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions

Traditions, translations and transfers, direct exchanges and reinterpretations of HfG Bauhaus in Chile


  • David Maulen De Los Reyes


The Bauhaus design school, founded in the city of Weimar in 1919 and closed in Berlin in 1933, has been an essential reference for the entire development of the arts, design and architecture of the twentieth century. But the Bauhaus is not a homogeneous body, and as its founder Walter Gropius insisted, one of the aims was student autonomy starting from the contrast of different trends observed in them. During the twentieth century in South America attempts have been made to build an alternative model of modernity, to modify the way of life according to ideas of those who defended the Bauhaus. This paper proposes a general outline of these processes for the Chilean case related to projects within the discipline


Bauhaus in South America, Decentralized, Collaborative Iindependence, Education Reforms, Bio Structures, Alternative Modernity

Author Biography

David Maulen De Los Reyes

David F. Maulen de los Reyes, desde 1999 investigador de interfaces entre arte, ciencia, tecnología y sociedad en Chile y Sudamérica. Lic. Arte U. Ch. Diploma en Estudios Culturales, Mg. Comunicación UACh. Diseñador de visualización de datos para trayectorias del edificio UNCTAD III en centro cultural BiblioGam, y mapa cualitativo de relaciones entre arquitectura y performance para SCL2110. Curador de la III Bienal de Arte: Situación del arte contemporáneo chileno, MNBA. Colaborador de documenta de Kassel XII: ¿es la modernidad nuestra antiguedad? Coordinador de contenidos del ciclo Bauhaus en Chile, Goethe Institut, MNBA, Fundación Bauhaus Dessau, 2014