The ‘coda’ narrative: a proposed classification and application to variationist study Spanish in Chile


  • Valeska Muller Universidad de los Lagos
  • Silvana Guerrero Universidad de Chile


In this research the ‘coda’ narrative is studied by offering a taxonomy of it. It works on the basis of personal experience narratives 90, 36 singles and 54 conversationals, to determine the relationship of the coda with the resolution. Also, a coda classification is proposed and correlates with the sex and socioeconomic group of informants. It is concluded that there are four types of coda, namely, summary, summary evaluation, reflection and explicit moral. Of these, only the explicit moral presents very little occurrence, because it implies further elaboration. It also found that only socioeconomic group factor correlates with the types of coda

Author Biography

Silvana Guerrero, Universidad de Chile

Esta investigación se enmarca en el Proyecto FONDECYT 11150007, cuyo propósito es estudiar la co-construcción de narraciones de experiencia personal en relación con los factores génerolectal y sociolectal, en una muestra de hablantes de Santiago de Chile.