This paper presents a detailed analysis of the Compendio de nombres en lengua cakchiquel of Pantaleón de Guzmán, work that shows the linguistic task realized by the missionaries in the New World. The evangelism of the conquered lands caused the need to learn the indigenous languages and, therefore, the composition of dictionaries and grammars that could help the conversion of Indians. One of these works was Pantaleón de Guzmán’s Compendio, subjects catalogued by scopes, facing the problems that cause the differences between Spanish and Cakchiquel and that shows in its pages a great lexical richness. In short, an interesting contribution to the missionary history of Linguistics and Lexicography.
Lexicography, Nomenclatures, Amerindian languages, cakchiquel, 18th century
García Aranda, M. Ángeles. (2015). Amerindian thematic lexicography: The Compendio de nombres en lengua cakchiquel by Pantaleón de Guzmán. Boletín De Filología, 50(1), Pág. 135 – 163. Retrieved from